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...tables botched.

Hah. "Solved" as long as you define that to mean "completely misaligned so that your right-hand side toolbar appears half-way down the damn page". Arse.

Posted by chris at 11:30 PM | Permalink

Fingers crossed...

It is freeezing tonight... how? Bright sunshine for three days straight, stroll-around-in-a-t-shirt-at-9pm kind of weather and suddenly my teeth are chattering. Go figure.

Just back from seeing England beat Albania 3-1. A thoroughly undeserved victory, really. Of course I'm glad we won, and it's great that Andy Cole finally scored his first international goal (in the final minute of injury time) but still... we were pants.

Anyway, consoling myself with a final (all being well) colour test... think I've solved the problem of the right-hand-side toolbar. Maybe. Time to suck it and see...

Posted by chris at 11:21 PM | Permalink

Colour me unimpressed

Bloody hell. There just aren't enough colours to go around. Testing the links and css styles for the righ-hand toolbar...

Posted by chris at 03:37 PM | Permalink

Blogger template... oh sod it

Okay, larger font size and different colour for the dates, plus no more rampaging javascript errors, please...

Posted by chris at 02:00 PM | Permalink

Blogger template clank

Okay, time to see if the ampersnads (like ampersands but sort of malicious) have been successfully reined in. Hit me.

Posted by chris at 07:32 PM | Permalink

Blogger template clunk

Right, right, got it. Should have listened more closely. I forgot about the escaped ampersands. It looks like I've unwittingly let loose a herd of the buggers, rampaging through my carefully prepared javascript.... they are actually multiplying.... how cool.

Screw this, I'll wait till I get home and re-load the clean copy of the template from my desktop.

Another important lesson learnt the stupid way.

Posted by chris at 04:48 PM | Permalink

Blogger template lunk

Shoot. The date is larger but I've got me a javascript error. On with the goggles and out with the blowtorch...

Posted by chris at 04:37 PM | Permalink

Blogger template funk

now the date should be larger - I assume I need to post in order to force this change... so this is it.

Posted by chris at 04:32 PM | Permalink

Blogger template fun

So that works too. I knew it would, of course.

(sort of)

Now I need to play with putting line breaks between posts.... lemmee see... and increasing the font size of the date headers.

Posted by chris at 04:21 PM | Permalink

Big Bang

Well, here it is. Sooner or later one has to put down the HTML editor, resist the temptation to tweak the template that bit further, and actually see if the damn blog woks (which is Jonathan Woss speak for "rocks", of course - or maybe I can't spell "works").

So that's what I'm about.... to do....... NOW! Go! Go! Go!

Where's that damn button gone....? Ah, yes.....

Posted by chris at 12:36 AM | Permalink

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