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>> Next: ...and I'm back.
July 26, 2001
46 minutes until I bolt
46 minutes until I bolt out of the door, dash across town, stuff clothes and my tent into a rucksack, slog back across to Tokyo station and board a shinkansen for Naeba - it's time to (Fuji) rock.
I'm back on Monday afternoon. In the meantime any e-mail, urgent or spurious, should go to chris dot jennings at docomo dot ne dot jp (as long as it's not too long and there are no attachments, as I'll be reading it on a 1.5 inch cellphone screen - ta muchly).
Be nice and you'll get a mini festival report - but it'll probably be ENTIRELY IN CAPITALS BECAUSE MY PHONE IS RATHER AWKWARD TO TYPE ON OTHERWISE - ahem. Apologies in advance.
42 minutes and counting...
Posted by chris at July 26, 2001 05:18 PM | Permalink