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September 11, 2001
WTC destroyed
My god. It's a terrible feeling to realise that you're watching history, not just news, being made.
Both towers of the World Trade Center in New York have now collapsed, about an hour after being hit by two aircraft (one each). A third plane crashed into the Pentagon shortly afterwards, and some / all of the planes are thought to have been hijacked. A Palestinian group is claiming responsibility for the attacks (since disproved), and I think we're just seen any chance of a US-brokered peace deal in the Middle East go up in smoke. (I'll retract that last statement. It's way to early to say anything other than "..." and I didn't mean to sound so premature.)
And I really wish there weren't news services referring to this as a "kamikaze" attack; sensationalism, never mind inaccurate sensationalism, is the last thing we need right now.
Posted by chris at September 11, 2001 11:39 PM | Permalink