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Heehee heehee heehee heehee heehee heehee heehee

We rearranged our office layout a little while back and the net effect for me has been a horrendous increase in neighbouring chat levels. Actually it's not the chat that I mind so much as the high-pitched Japanese female giggling, which is of sufficient volume and frequency (in both senses of the word) to drive me slowly insane. It's become so embedded in my psyche that it seems to have morphed into some kind of subconcious trigger; I just have to hear one of my colleagues *start* to giggle, even quietly, and I'm immediately furious. Bah.

Enter Noise, a handy little application for the Mac (OSX 10.1 or higher) that plays nothing but static, all day long. It's bliss. It sounds a bit weird to start with, but you soon get used to it and it's extremely effective at blocking out the sounds of any hyenas that might be mating nearby.

Now if I could just find an application to block the smell of their bento lunches... I tried downloading Pong, but it didn't quite work like I hoped.

Posted by chris at March 23, 2006 03:15 PM | Permalink


Having to sit next to OL's doesn't sound that bad ^_^

Posted by: Tom at March 24, 2006 03:08 AM

Trust me, it's awful. I'm practically homicidal here.

Besides, these aren't really OLs; they're fairly senior financial administrators. Who giggle like 6-year olds. And why can't they go out for lunch? Or at least grab a meeting room? Grrrr.

If ever I needed Godzilla to storm out of Tokyo Bay and start levelling buildings, prompting a mass evacuation, it's now.

Posted by: chris at March 24, 2006 11:45 AM

Supposedly Japanese people are great at understanding unspoken language. So you might start whistling or chanting sutras or something like this every time they start he-he-he-ing around.

Or you can just play Noise on your speakers?

And tell them that eating bento in the park is great for one's health. Hopefully you have any nearby...

Posted by: Alex Muntean at March 24, 2006 02:01 PM

All good suggestions, and possibly with fewer legal repercussions than my current Plan A, which is "kill everybody".

Posted by: chris at March 24, 2006 02:16 PM

I believe I have some experience here, C. You're stuck. My advice: conditioning.

I used to meditate in a pig pen filled with squealing porkies with a bucket of fish guts on my head. It worked to a degree, although I have an unshakable urge to kick them when they start nibbling at my trousers. The financial controllers, not the piglets.

Good luck with that. Heehee heehee heehee *soccer* heehee heehee heehee *beckham* heehee heehee heehee.

Posted by: The Guns at March 27, 2006 10:22 AM

Just giggle back.

Posted by: taro akasaka at May 8, 2006 12:23 PM

Actually I tried a different tack in the end: getting seconded to the London office. No giggling here, though the sound of chimney sweeps and pearly kings and queens morris dancing in the streets is quite offputting at times.

Posted by: chris at May 8, 2006 11:55 PM

well giggling isn't bad, but high pitched...yeow!

Posted by: giggler at May 24, 2006 05:46 PM

That's a good point; I suppose "low-pitched giggling" doesn't actually make much sense, does it? What would that sound like? "Hurhur hurhur hurhur hurhur hurhur"?

Posted by: chris at May 24, 2006 06:56 PM

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