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July 10, 2001
A week ago today...
A week ago today I was in Tribe in the East Village (which was anything but village), drinking a long island iced tea and chatting with swerd, ethan, kevin and dakota - and not blogging about it.
So I've worked out what I'm going to do: retro-blog the whole week, one day at a time. It's Tuesday now, so I'll do Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd today, and then try and keep up day-to-day, thanks to the extensive notes on my Palm.
That's how I spent a lot of the 14-hour flight back from Atlanta to Tokyo, jotting down little events and happenings from the week gone by on my pda as they came to me, chuckling to myself. Some excellent kodachrome memories, for which I have to thank everyone I met over the week.
The write-up starts here.
Posted by chris at July 10, 2001 12:49 PM | Permalink