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July 25, 2001
Some Brits had the disco fries
Found via the below-mentioned bgirl.net: Rob's Amazing Poetry Generator. Give it an url (or a URL) to chew over and it does a passable impression what a modern-day John Donne & Jason Pollock collaboration might be expected to read like. Favorite snippets wrung from this page so far:
I came from my faith
in Williamsburg, so kiss tasted. Kisses have
NO need a independent school, of
Fight Club again , SUV parts
some Brits had
the disco fries Morgan and daytime
Tokyo to shoot
of seeing
Famke Janssen
attempting to strut our next door behind
the torrential rain yay
and wait for the
Dark and decide one UN buildings
in labels and wrapped in
your hard drive, specifically
attached, renamed
with how to see where this
might have a
late lunch, folks
I never knew I had it in me.
Posted by chris at July 25, 2001 12:10 PM | Permalink