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July 04, 2001
Where the hell to start?
Where the hell to start? Mind you, it's probably a good thing I don't have internet access on my PDA, else you'd never hear the end of me.
New York is excellent and serving up a number of interesting sights already. Like the guy with the Japanese kanji for "peace" tattooed on his neck... written backwards. Not "heiwa", then, but "wa-hey!" I pointed this out to Swerd and now he won't stop saying wa-hey himself - which I don't mind at all. (NB Mr. tattooed guy - if kanji is written vertically, ie in columns, then it is indeed right-to-left. Horizontally, though, and it's left-to-right. Still, thank you for a good laugh.)
Posted by chris at July 4, 2001 11:24 PM | Permalink